The car is packed and we are ready for a fun road trip!
Bosco and Winston on their favorite blankey. They have no idea how long this trip will be. Poor guys.
Reindeer Monica is flying us home for the holidays!
This holiday season has been very interesting! We are beyond blessed to have families that love us so much and want to spend as much time with us possible. Our families are in Michigan and Colorado so we have been in both states already! Luckily our families are supportive and understanding of our travel plans and wanting to spend as much time with everyone as we can. It's been wonderful so far! Step one was driving to Michigan with the gifts and our little ones! We left after dinner and drove through the was a 17 hour trip which wasn't too bad. Winston started going bananas around hour 9 for a couple of hours and kept us wide awake. Thanks Winny. Boys playing an xbox snowboarding game
Ashton! Our little cousin :)
The most complicated game ever. Title: Puerto Rico
We made it to Michigan! Pete's parents greeted all of the 4 boys and the wives with a lot of fun signs! Luckily both of our families are REALLY into games so immediately the brothers started playing games when we got home. We have put a lot of baby time in playing with little cousins and nieces. AND we have another baby niece on the way due in April and a niece or nephew due in March!! In Michigan we have my mom's side of the family and Pete's family so we have a lot of people to see. Not to mention we both have a lot of friends from Whirlpool etc here. We had some snow here when we arrived so our puppy was beyond happy. He likes to chase snowballs. Next stop Colorado to see my Daddy's side of the family!!!
Amy has baby Greenlaw in there...due March 6th! We are excited to have a new niece or nephew :)
Drew spotted Santa!
Lots of snow came while we were here which was wonderful!
We love the mountaints!
This is Pete's "what are you taking a picture of me for" face! Quality time :)
We had a great time in Colorado. Of course vacations are never long enough but we are so thankful for the time we had there. And we are back to Michigan!
Bosco and his cousin Amelia! Cutest little Christmas baby ever!
Christmas Eve with the Smith family is Christmas this year!!! Mom and the boys loved their gifts from us! My favorite thing is to watch everyone else open presents...I forgot to open 4 of mine until a few hours later because I was watching everyone's reactions :)
Super excited for this gift! It was really heavy and I had already opened everything I asked for. I LOVE surprised. And Christmas antlers :)
I told Mom Smith last year that I wanted a red stand mixer!! Since we registered for our wedding I have been going back and forth between red and silver or chrome. It's been months of me going back and forth so I hadn't actually registered for anything yet but when I opened this, it was absolutely PERFECT!!! I'm glad someone made up my mind for me. Plus I forgot how much I wanted a red one last year :) I cannot wait to start cooking when we get back to Texas and Pete already is talking about buying me some attachments for more cooking fun!
Marcus had a surprise gift!! Hooray! It was wrapped in a keyboard box so he ripped off the wrapping paper and everyone laughed. Then TA-DA! New snowboard and some boots for Amelia to play with.
This says it all. Jesus is the reason for the season. And I can be happy because Jesus was born because that means I can see my Daddy again in heaven!
Love the lakes in Michigan.
Heaven is a little closer in a home by the water.
My precious cousins Makenzy and Madison!
They love Peter! We learned a lot about children's toys this year. I had no clue what a DS was and two of the kids got those. This is Madi teaching Pete about her new leap frog. It was pretty funny, she would try to show Pete how to play a game and once she got to the 4th step she would get hungry and want a cucumber. Apparently she did this about 3 times haha
Playing hide and go seek with Pete. Great hiding place in the shower. Their reaction is priceless when they found him everytime. Just shock and excitement. It's so precious to see the genuine joy and innocence of children.
It wouldn't be a family get together without Great Grandma leading a game of cards :)
All in all we are having such a wonderful first Christmas as husband and wife. Our vacation isn't quite over yet. Pete went shooting today with one of his groomsmen and my cousin Nick and his girlfriend Mercedes. We had a camping themed shower yesterday with the families. We are now very well on our way to becoming a camping couple. We have a few more friends to see, many more games to play and some quality family time ahead of us. We are just so happy to be surrounded by such love for us, our marriage and wonderful stories about my Daddy after such a heartbreaking year. Happy Holidays to all!